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Redmond Harvest Half Marathon

Redmond, WA 98052 US

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Start Area

Packet Pickup

August 30, 2025

August 31, 2025

September 1, 2025


Distribute bibs and t-shirts to runners during packet pickup times.

There will be packet pickup at Super Jock 'N' Jill Seattle (Saturday, August 31) and Postdoc Brewing (Sunday, September 1), as well as morning of race.

Morning of race volunteers will also do gear check for the very few number of people expected to utilize gear check (gear check closes the same time as morning of packet pickup). They will also be requested to serve as course monitors on the trail from 8:30-8:40 AM at a spot .4 miles from the start line.


You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Ensure participants park in the correct lots and safely cross the Marymoor Connector Trail while doing so. Some volunteers may need to direct drivers to park in an organized manner in lots that do not have parking lines.


Parking Lots I and "Triangle" at the Start & Finish Area

Solutions Desk

September 1, 2025


Handle any questions or problems participants may have.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.

September 1, 2025


Manage the PA system, make announcements, cheer runners as they finish. Create a high energy, party-like atmosphere.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.

Medical Monitor

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Assess, advise, and treat runners for minor medical issues as needed at finish area. Must have an appropriate medical license or background (e.g., M.D., D.O., P.A., A.R.N.P., R.N., D.P.T., D.C., D.P.M., D.D.S., EMT, etc.) and be comfortable making medical decisions. There will be a first aid kit at the finish area.

This position is only open to volunteers who have the requisite medical qualifications. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.


September 1, 2025


Take photos on course and/or at start/finish areas. Multiple photographers may cover different areas at different times.

This position is only open to volunteers with specific equipment and abilities. Contact us to discuss details and get the password. Timeslot listed is for duration of event photography; length of individual shifts may vary.


Start & Finish Area as well as along the course

Finish Area Food

September 1, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Set up and distribute drinks and snacks to runners that have finished.

Medal Distribution

September 1, 2025


Set up and distribute medals to runners as they finish.

Gear Check

September 1, 2025


Ensure correct gear is returned to runner at finish.

Course Monitors

Turnaround Course Monitor

September 1, 2025


Ensure runners turn around at the correct location.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.



Leary Way Bridge West Course Monitor

September 1, 2025


Ensure runners stay on course and don't run into trail users.

The earlier timeslot is for outbound (heading away from start) runners and thus is a much shorter duration than the inbound (going towards finish) shift, due to runners being more spread out by the time they reach this spot towards the end of the race.



Leary Way Bridge East Course Monitor

September 1, 2025


Ensure runners stay on course and don't run into trail users.

The earlier timeslot is for outbound (heading away from start) runners and thus is a much shorter duration than the inbound (going towards finish) shift, due to runners being more spread out by the time they reach this spot towards the end of the race.



Marymoor Lot K West Entrance Course Monitor

September 1, 2025


Ensure cars entering and exiting the lot do not collide with runners.

Timeslot listed is for inbound (going towards finish) runners only.



Marymoor Lot K East Entrance Course Monitor

September 1, 2025


Ensure cars entering and exiting the lot do not collide with runners.

Timeslot listed is for inbound (going towards finish) runners only.



Aid Stations

60 Acres Aid Station Water

September 1, 2025


Help set up and break down aid station; distribute water to runners. Pick up used cups and garbage discarded by runners at station.


Mile 4&9 Aid Station near 60 Acres Park

60 Acres Aid Station Sports Drink

September 1, 2025


Help set up and break down aid station; distribute sports drink to runners. Pick up used cups and garbage discarded by runners at station.


Mile 4&9 Aid Station near 60 Acres Park

60 Acres Aid Station Gels

September 1, 2025


Help set up and break down aid station; distribute gels to runners. Pick up used cups and garbage discarded by runners at station.


Mile 4&9 Aid Station near 60 Acres Park

Northshore Aid Station Water

September 1, 2025


Help set up and break down aid station; distribute water to runners. Pick up used cups and garbage discarded by runners at station.


Mile 6&7 Aid Station near the Northshore Athletic Fields

Northshore Aid Station Sports Drink

September 1, 2025


Help set up and break down aid station; distribute sports drink to runners. Pick up used cups and garbage discarded by runners at station.


Mile 6&7 Aid Station near the Northshore Athletic Fields

Northshore Aid Station Gels

September 1, 2025


Help set up and break down aid station; distribute gels to runners. Pick up used cups and garbage discarded by runners at station.


Mile 6&7 Aid Station near the Northshore Athletic Fields

Course - Other

Course Marker & Start Arch Setup

September 1, 2025


Set up start arch with assistance from others at start area. Set up all signs on course the morning of event. Must be able to transport all signs by bike trailer and place them in the correct locations prior to race start.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.


Along entire race route

Aid Station Supply Delivery

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Deliver tables, water, sports drink, gels, and other supplies to aid stations on course. Must have access to a vehicle that can fit several folding tables and be able to help load and unload supplies from vehicle. Aid stations themselves will be set up by the volunteers at those stations.

The earlier timeslot will deliver supplies to the 60 Acres Aid Station while the later timeslot will deliver supplies to the Northshore Aid Station. The volunteers for this position may also be volunteers for the station they are delivering to.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.


Earlier Timeslot: Mile 4&9 Aid Station near 60 Acres Park
Later Timeslot: Mile 6&7 Aid Station near the Northshore Athletic Fields

Bike Lead

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Lead runners on course while on bike. Must know course and be comfortable maintaining at least 13mph for at least 1 hour on potentially busy Sammamish River Trail. Will need to alert other trail users of approaching runners.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.


Along entire race route

Course Sweep

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Monitor, and keep race directors updated on progress of, the last event participant. Notify aid stations and course monitors their shift has ended after last participant passes through. The course cutoff requires all participants be able to maintain a 16:00 min/mile pace or faster; however, the last participant may be faster than this.

There are two shifts for this position. The first shift volunteer will stay with the last participant from start to the turnaround point, and inform the turnaround volunteer their shift may end. The second shift volunteer will stay with the participant from the turnaround to the finish, and will inform the aid stations they may close.

The volunteer will need to be comfortable completing 6.56 miles at a running pace if needed.


Along entire race route

Course Breakdown - Aid Stations

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Retrieve all aid station supplies after aid stations close and bring them back to finish area. Must have access to a vehicle that can fit several folding tables along with supplies (only one person from each timeslot needs to have a vehicle). Volunteers must be able to carry supplies from aid station locations the short distance back to their vehicle in the parking lots.

The earlier timeslot will retrieve supplies from the Northshore Aid Station while the later timeslot will retrieve supplies from the 60 Acres Aid Station. A person may sign up for both timeslots if they have a very large vehicle that can fit all supplies in one trip (e.g., pickup truck or van).

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.


Earlier Timeslot: Mile 6&7 Aid Station near the Northshore Athletic Fields
Later Timeslot: Mile 4&9 Aid Station near 60 Acres Park

Course Breakdown - Signs

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 1, 2025


Retrieve signs from course at end of race. Must be able to transport all signs and bring them back to finish area.

This position is only open to volunteers who are very familiar with the race. Contact us to discuss details and get the password.


Along entire race route

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